Saturday, June 11, 2011

Talented young artist from Myanmar

He may be drawing on street side, but he definitely has huge potential in painting.

He may be drawing on street side, but he definitely has huge potential in painting.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

3D Building Projects

Below are the two very cool 3D Building Project videos I recently watched. Amazing stuffs that worth sharing immediately.

Tourism Vienna campaign in London

Only Samsung can do that...

Below are the two very cool 3D Building Project videos I recently watched. Amazing stuffs that worth sharing immediately.

Tourism Vienna campaign in London

Only Samsung can do that...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

connection is important, but Will is Essential

If one possess the Will, he can move the mountain. Without will, one is the death-man-walking.

However, simply having Will is not enough; it must be strong, and dedicated.

I know the power of Will from my current situation in ZO.

For example; Tunisians had the strong Willingness to removed rooted authoritarian government which controlled the state for years with ironed fist. In Jan 2011, Tunisians were ready to die, starve, and scarify whatever necessary to kick the government out-of-throne; and they were successful.

To honor Tunisians' democratic movement; called Jasmine revolution, Algerian French street artist Zoo Project placed hundreds of life-size figurines around the city. See the some of them below -

Source: one possess the Will, he can move the mountain. Without will, one is the death-man-walking.

However, simply having Will is not enough; it must be strong, and dedicated.

I know the power of Will from my current situation in ZO.

For example; Tunisians had the strong Willingness to removed rooted authoritarian government which controlled the state for years with ironed fist. In Jan 2011, Tunisians were ready to die, starve, and scarify whatever necessary to kick the government out-of-throne; and they were successful.

To honor Tunisians' democratic movement; called Jasmine revolution, Algerian French street artist Zoo Project placed hundreds of life-size figurines around the city. See the some of them below -


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mum, I love you

Mum, She -
1. protects us like the fort,
2. considers us first before making any decision,
3. is willing to lose everything she has; just for us to be successful, and educated,
4. makes us choose right paths, without being the Tiger Mum,
5. is now getting older day-by-day; hence we have to cherish our time with her,

Any many more scarifies.

Below MTV dedicated to mum; I LOVE HER.

Mum, She -
1. protects us like the fort,
2. considers us first before making any decision,
3. is willing to lose everything she has; just for us to be successful, and educated,
4. makes us choose right paths, without being the Tiger Mum,
5. is now getting older day-by-day; hence we have to cherish our time with her,

Any many more scarifies.

Below MTV dedicated to mum; I LOVE HER.

Mỹ Sơn, Big Part of recent Vietnam trip

Mỹ Sơn (Vietnamese pronunciation: [mǐˀ səːn]); is the abandoned ancient temples site located in the central Vietnam; the site is a few hour drive away from Danang or Hoi An.

Mỹ Sơn absolutely widened my horizon. I did not expect witnessing such culturally rich and historically important site in the central Vietnam; I confessed. The temples were built in 4th AD by ruling dynasties of Champa to pray Hindu GOD, Shiva. Lots of temples were destroyed during Vietnam War because of U.S. Navy's Carpet bombing; even today, the surrounding area is considered dangerous for land mines. 

In 1999, UNESCO recognized My Son as World Heritage site. Below is the quick fact of My Son -

Proud that South East Asia owned ancient culture capitals such as My Son (Vietnam), Bagan (Burma), Borobudur (Indonesia), Angkor Wat (Cambodia), and Ayutthaya (Thailand). I also noticed that most of the world culture sites located in Asia, Africa, and America; not in Europe. Probably, the Westerners were culturally less-developed at that time.

Below are My Son pictures (from my camera, and from Google)

 My Camera

From Google Image

Source, and more info:

Mỹ Sơn (Vietnamese pronunciation: [mǐˀ səːn]); is the abandoned ancient temples site located in the central Vietnam; the site is a few hour drive away from Danang or Hoi An.

Mỹ Sơn absolutely widened my horizon. I did not expect witnessing such culturally rich and historically important site in the central Vietnam; I confessed. The temples were built in 4th AD by ruling dynasties of Champa to pray Hindu GOD, Shiva. Lots of temples were destroyed during Vietnam War because of U.S. Navy's Carpet bombing; even today, the surrounding area is considered dangerous for land mines. 

In 1999, UNESCO recognized My Son as World Heritage site. Below is the quick fact of My Son -

Proud that South East Asia owned ancient culture capitals such as My Son (Vietnam), Bagan (Burma), Borobudur (Indonesia), Angkor Wat (Cambodia), and Ayutthaya (Thailand). I also noticed that most of the world culture sites located in Asia, Africa, and America; not in Europe. Probably, the Westerners were culturally less-developed at that time.

Below are My Son pictures (from my camera, and from Google)

 My Camera

From Google Image

Source, and more info:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mapping European Stereotyping

Love it or hate it; Stereotyping still existed in this world.

Below images reveal the Europeans' perception of each other. May not be completely true, but show how it is; I assume.
The concepts is by Bulgarian-born, London-based designer Yanko Tsvetkov‘s Mapping Stereotypes project.

While reading the post, I wonder what is the stereotyping of South East Asia countries or Asian countries to each others.
Probably, Singaporeans consider Malaysia as affordable holiday gateway. Foreigners reckon Singapore as the stepping stone.

Original post can be found at:
Love it or hate it; Stereotyping still existed in this world.

Below images reveal the Europeans' perception of each other. May not be completely true, but show how it is; I assume.
The concepts is by Bulgarian-born, London-based designer Yanko Tsvetkov‘s Mapping Stereotypes project.

While reading the post, I wonder what is the stereotyping of South East Asia countries or Asian countries to each others.
Probably, Singaporeans consider Malaysia as affordable holiday gateway. Foreigners reckon Singapore as the stepping stone.

Original post can be found at:

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 makes me proud of myself

This morning, we bought 3D2N Krabi trip for my parents via It is the amazing offer; the saving is 48% of original deal! Cool uh. The deal is still on till next 15 hours at -
Pa, and mum will visit there in Sept'11.

My parents have been working so hard in various environments for my sis and me to grow up with good education, and career. Now is the time for them to take things easy, and have more traveling.
Pa, especially, is very upbeat about Krabi trip.

Brief info about Krabi is - It located in Southern Thailand. With its beautiful beaches and unspoiled islands, Krabi is now one of the most famous tourist destinations in Thailand. It is also a popular destination for rock climbers, who visit Krabi for its limestone cliffs. < Source: Wikipedia>

 Some Krabi's photos I found online are -

We love you (Pa and Mum).This morning, we bought 3D2N Krabi trip for my parents via It is the amazing offer; the saving is 48% of original deal! Cool uh. The deal is still on till next 15 hours at -
Pa, and mum will visit there in Sept'11.

My parents have been working so hard in various environments for my sis and me to grow up with good education, and career. Now is the time for them to take things easy, and have more traveling.
Pa, especially, is very upbeat about Krabi trip.

Brief info about Krabi is - It located in Southern Thailand. With its beautiful beaches and unspoiled islands, Krabi is now one of the most famous tourist destinations in Thailand. It is also a popular destination for rock climbers, who visit Krabi for its limestone cliffs. < Source: Wikipedia>

 Some Krabi's photos I found online are -

We love you (Pa and Mum).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

How Antarctica looked like in 1910s

Last night, I came across to a bunch of antique Antarctica photos in 1911-1914 from The photos are amazing.

We, my wife and me, always want to visit authentic places such as Antarctica, Laos, and Egypt etc... Hopefully, our wish will be fulfilled one day. :)

For now, I can only share the amazing Antarctica photos with you guys;

Some of the photos, at a glance below. Hope you enjoy :) Cheers!

Last night, I came across to a bunch of antique Antarctica photos in 1911-1914 from The photos are amazing.

We, my wife and me, always want to visit authentic places such as Antarctica, Laos, and Egypt etc... Hopefully, our wish will be fulfilled one day. :)

For now, I can only share the amazing Antarctica photos with you guys;

Some of the photos, at a glance below. Hope you enjoy :) Cheers!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Primary Concern

Like everyone else, our (my wife and me) primary concern is 'owning flat / house'; without that, we just can not go forward effectively. 
Owning HDB in Singapore becomes more and more difficult; even if we become Singapore Permanent Residence in future.
For latest info on Singapore's housing woe, kindly read this -

Now, all we can do is work hard, save money aggressively, and  decide to settle down in a country.

Historically, owning the house is paramount aim for men. In old times, if one does not own a house or land; he was just the slave of the landing owner.
That's why; in every Good government's proposal, promise of providing land / house / flat ownership to their citizens is boldly highlighted.Like everyone else, our (my wife and me) primary concern is 'owning flat / house'; without that, we just can not go forward effectively. 
Owning HDB in Singapore becomes more and more difficult; even if we become Singapore Permanent Residence in future.
For latest info on Singapore's housing woe, kindly read this -

Now, all we can do is work hard, save money aggressively, and  decide to settle down in a country.

Historically, owning the house is paramount aim for men. In old times, if one does not own a house or land; he was just the slave of the landing owner.
That's why; in every Good government's proposal, promise of providing land / house / flat ownership to their citizens is boldly highlighted.
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